Friday, January 6, 2012

Trolls are fugly

A few days ago, I received some of the best advice I have ever heard from my wonderful sister, Kristen.
Normally her advice is stupid, like: "You should shower more often, or else people might think you are weird..." 
"You should turn the lights off when you leave a room or the bills are going to sky-rocket."
Stupid, right?
But this day, when she gave her opinion, it changed my world. The way I think. The way I feel deep in my soul. Her advice: "Don't feed the trolls."

Amazing! I've never thought about this until she said something, but then I realized how true it was because trolls are fugly. I mean, if anyone has seen the movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, they would know.

 (This is an Elephant Troll.)

Trolls smell bad, have massive snot rockets and are too stupid to know what people say. Besides, as Kristen pointed out, if you feed a troll, they keep coming back for more. Any normal child has read the book If You Give A Moose A Muffin. Same concept applies. 

So from now on, I will refrain from feeding those horrible trolls. 
Because they smell bad.
And are ugly.
And stupid.