Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am not a lazy person

I don't understand why people call me lazy. I get up and do things regularly. I take my dog to the dog park, I go to school and work, I run 26 mile marathons and practice my roundhouse kick with Chuck Norris every other day. These are not signs of laziness!
I mean, sure, most of the time you will find me on the couch playing Backyard Monsters or watching Supernatural reruns, or pretending to be asleep on my bed while my dog diligently watches for any movement that will alert her I am awake so she can whine and bark and scratch at the door to go potty. And true, I may prefer to use Twitter and sit outside for three hours chain smoking instead of reading the Narrative of Fredrick Douglass for my history class. But I swear- I am NOT lazy.

 Just pretend you don't notice the blaring television because the TV is to far away from the couch and the remote ran away. And I might hit snooze three... or twenty times before climbing out of bed, and I have to be honest, I sometimes skip showers because I just don't want to bathe- but I don't see how that is construed as me being lazy. I heard it was unhealthy to wash your hair every day anyways.

I may worship the person who designed the Circle K drive thru so I can buy my necessary items like chips and Full Throttle without even having to get out of my car, and I sometimes pretend I don't hear people when they are calling or talking to me because I feel like it would take to much effort to think of a response. But that does not make me lazy.


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