Monday, October 10, 2011

Why my Greek Teacher loves me.

What a conundrum. I don't know how I managed it, but somehow I have succeeded in the impossible. My Greek Teacher loves me. I'm not exactly sure why he loves me, but he even told me today after class, "Monica. You are the most amazing person in the world! I idolize you. I love you!" Needless to say it was a little creepy, but I'm proud to say I will probably pass the class with an A+.
I'm confused by this amazing feat since I insult and degrade the stocky little bastard at every chance I get. Some examples would be:

"Professor Radd-fucker, since you insist on your students having perfect English grammar, punctuation and spelling throughout the Greek test, I insist you use proper grammar throughout class."
Him-"Well I certainly try!"
Me-"Good, well here is a list of everything you fucked up today. Please note the number '3' next to 'towards'. You added an 's' to' toward' three times today throughout class... which would be improper grammar."
Him. "uhhh..."
Me- Have a good day!"

Not to mention I call out "That's what she said" whenever possible. He still doesn't get it, but laughs accordingly.
"Diceaopolis had trouble rising-"
(True story.)

Needless to say, he must be a little slow because he seems to really enjoy my involvement throughout the class.

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad for any teacher that has you in his/her class.
